Basic Techniques for Jazz Trombone

Mastering the basics of articulation, phrasing and improvisation.

Basic Techniques for Jazz Trombone

Basic Techniques for Jazz Trombone

Mastering the basics of articulation, phrasing and improvisation.

In this comprehensive masterclass we will look into the technical side of playing the trombone, some of the improvisational techniques you can use and finally we will bring all these elements together.

I will talk about some of the most fundamental aspects of playing Jazz trombone and I will answer some relevant questions such as:

How can we start a note?  How to use your air flow and diaphragm? How to use your slide?

Beats and grooves : What is so important about time and how can we improve our timing?

The 2-5-1 progression , how to study and effectively improvise on it: Learn to connect these chords, playing melodically and composing guide lines. You will also learn some licks that will inspire you and help you advance in your daily practicing routine.

How to end a phrase?  Personal signature to wrap the phrase: 1) Short note 2) Colouring a note 3) Vibrato with the slide or mouth 4) Fall a slide (variation slur or shake) 5 Fade out (Miles)

Horizontal Improvisation : How to connect the notes in your chord progression? Understanding the DNA structure of a song.

How can you create variety in your performances?  The four elements: Water, Air, Earth, Fire. Learn how to use these elements in a musical context and develop creative listening and playing.



Skill level


3 hours

Full access for one year

Content of this course:

Bert will talk about some of the most fundamental aspects of playing Jazz trombone and I will go into relevant subjects such as: 
How can we start a note - Beats and grooves - The 2-5-1 progression - How to end a phrase - Horizontal Improvisation - How can you create variety in your performances?


Basic Techniques for Jazz Trombone

self study

  • 1 year access to this course

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Basic Techniques for Jazz Trombone

feedback from our teachers

  • 1 year access to this course
  • Personalized video feedback, every lesson
  • Upgradeable to a full program with certificate

weeks study for


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How it works

The course is a series of related video lessons, each structured around a specific topic or topics. By the end of this course, you will have developed a strong sense of direction in your daily study routine.

Weekly video lessons
after joining the course, you will be able to view a new video lesson weekly. Each video lesson consists of:

Examples  that musically define the sound of the topic you are studying in each video

A study routine  section in which we first discuss how to study the specific topic of each lesson. We will then play several exercises specially written to show you how to structure your daily study routine

Assignments  that will help you consolidate and practice what you have learned in each video.

Weekly assignments
After each lesson, you will be asked to study, practice and then video record yourself playing an assignment which may consist of several exercises. When ready, you submit the video of your assignment. The process of having to record yourself every week, significantly helps to internalise the material discussed in this course - quickly and naturally.

Bert Boeren